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This is where you go to check all schedules of your registered courses.

default Digi look

All courses, classes and schools have their own code for Digirooster, even teachers, if you need to know the schedule of one. You get all the relevant codes to you through email, Hanze will send it out to you close to the start of the year, via Outlook.

Code email

Once you have them just look for them on the left corner and the entire schedule will be available to you, and even on your phone after you sync it.

Side bar

On the top of Digirooster, there is a little phone icon, where you can sync the schedule with your mobile Outlook calendar, keep in mind you need to have the "Outlook" app installed.

Corner phone icon

To make it work is quite simple, first make sure you are logged in the Outlook app on your phone, with your student account. Click on that icon and specify how you want to be notified on your phone,or even not have notifications, then on your phone you just follow the instructions to complete and voilà.

sync menu